Friday, October 9, 2009


I HATE BOYS (okay, hate is a strong word...I just DISLIKE some of them with a great passion).

So Eddie. Random guy I just met, I gave him my number, we've been kinda hanging out. (thats the gist of it.)

Eddie is a total jerk. First of all I can't read him at all. Well, thats a lie. I know that he is interested in me, but I am confused over his communication skills.

Our first sudo-date experience:

He texts me asking me if I wanted to go get a drink. I go. The whole time he has his music on in the car and he wont respond to any question with more than "yeah" or "no". I tried and tried, but no avail. Really retarded. Then he tells me he has to go grocery shopping so I had to go with him. He ended up spilling a drink all over me and just laughed. (I wouldn't have minded if he had apologized.) Then in the car he kept turning to me asking if I knew the artist to whatever song was playing. I was so annoyed, but he wouldn't take me home. I didn't want to be rude so I stayed but it was extremely awkward and I hated it.

He then makes up for it by asking me if I wanted to go for a drive with him the next day. I went and he had an easier time talking and it was fun. But also awkward because the whole time we talked about kissing and stalking. Random conversation but at least he was talking. It really threw me off because of the night before. He told me that he had made out with 3 girls in one night once (I don't know if he was trying to impress me or what but I was like wow he is a manwhore) and then he went off onto that whole story and then started asking me about making out stories. He took me home, and I had no idea what to think of him.

My roommates were all just as confused as me once I told them what had happened. We all know he obviously wants a make out session. But I am not that type of girl, and I don't make out with boys I don't like. I don't even feel like I am physically attracted to this guy. I HARDLY know this guy, we literally just met like 5 days ago.

Then two nights ago he called (so I put him on speaker phone so my roommates could listen in) and he asked if I wanted to watch a movie on campus with all of my roommates and random people the next day. I said I would talk to them about it and let him know, he then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to go on another drive with him. I didn't go, but I told him I would let him know about the movie thing.
I texted him later that night saying that we would love to do that, and then he texted me for awhile but I fell asleep.
So yesterday happens and I have class and then I end up going to the city with my roommates for the day and right when I got home I checked my phone and Eddie had tried to call. I called him back and asked if we were still on for the movie and he told me because he hadn't heard from me all day he didn't reserve the place so it was a no go. He asked if I wanted to do something else, but I had made backup plans with my roommates so I said that I was going to stay home with them and he flipped out. He started to yell at me on the phone and then he told me to put it on speaker phone and when I did he started to yell at my roommates.
I was so mad. I got on the phone and told him that I would call him back in 10 mins and then I hung up on him.
I don't know who this guy thinks he is, but he can NOT treat me or my roommates like that. I seriously wanted to text him and ask him where this attitude came from. He texted me though after I hung up on him and said "Im just frustrated because I waited to hear from you all day and now I don't even get to see you". I was thinking to myself "are you serious dude, we haven't even gone on a date, I don't owe you anything!" I texted him back saying sorry and then I stopped texting him even though he sent me about 25 texts apologizing.
Then last night he texted me around 1am and asked if he could come over. I said sure, but then he was all can you just come to my car. I really wanted him to just come and talk to me in my apartment but I went with him anyways, because I wanted to clear some things up with him.
When I got in the car he apologized for the miscommunication and told me he was just joking when he was yelling and stuff like that. I told him I wasn't going to take crap and I would let him know if he was pissing me off.
We then talked about stuff and I find out that we have NOTHING in common. Seriously we are complete opposites. It isn't a bad thing, but I just feel like he has nothing to him, and I feel like I could never be deep around him.
He took me home at 2am and he was all "we should mess your hair up and make it look like we were making out" and as I was stepping out of the car I turned to him and said "as I left my apartment I told them I wouldn't ever make out with you." then I slammed the door shut and ran into my apartment.
I am so frustrated. He is ridiculous. He ended up texting me saying thanks for going with me, and I said its okay, I learned a lot about you. He asked if it was good or bad and I told him that I just thought we were complete opposites. He then pulled the stupid saying "opposites attract" so I said "birds of a feather flock together" and then he got mad again. He asked me if I was telling him that he had no chance with me because we didn't have anything in common. I told him no, but that we shouldn't even be having this conversation because we weren't even dating, and then he got even more frustrated with me.
I called him, because sometimes texting makes things look worse than what they really are and he told me that he didn't even know if he wanted to take me out on a date and then when I told him that I just wanted to be friends and that I didn't know what he was thinking he hung up on me.

I think he is a jerk. I don't want to talk to him again. I don't want to even see him again. Am I justified in thinking any of this? Am I being a brat for not giving him more of a chance?

I just don't want to deal with a freakin' girly boy! It is like he has PMS or something. I just don't like all of this drama, and I shouldn't have to deal with it.

and this my friends is why I dislike boys.



Blazzer said...

Your story lacks details. When he was yelling at you what was he saying? Was he actually "yelling" with a raised voice and intensity?

Based off of that why did you continue at all with this fiasco? Is Eddie unbelievably hot? Or on each of these occasions were you just so bored... I don't get it. I didn't seem like he did anything to impress you at any point to continue communication.

From my stand point if you continue texting, calling, getting into cars at 1am, those are all green lights. Any guy is going to assume there is progress being made.

I think calling him a jerk is a bit much. His personality seems volatile, but I'm wondering how you would be portrayed if I heard/read his version of the story.


JjHansen said...

It sounds to me like he has some serious aggression and temper issues. It's never a good idea to continue hanging out with guys that make you uncomfortable for ANY reason.
Run far, far away and don't look back.


Unknown said...

I think it's awesome that you told him that you wouldn't ever make out with him.
Can I just say one thing, Creepola!
Run run as fast as you can away from him. I hate that guys think it's ok to get angry and yell like that. If he is that angry and you guys aren't even close then he probably has anger issues. So tell him you're not interested and block his number.

Guide to Mormon Boys said...

blazzer: you have valid points I wasn't very detailed in this post. next time I will try harder. But to address one of the points you brought up about continuing to go with him is because of the "3 date" rule. Normally you can't really judge a person based off of first meeting them, so you give them another chance...normally by the 3rd "date" you can tell if there is any potential or not. So that is why I went with him about 3 times. Now I know that none of these meetings were actually dates, but they might as well have been, so I guess it is too bad for him.

And to jjHansen and samnhal thanks for the advise!


Drake said...

Yeah sounds like you're pretty justified. Date a guy who doesn't throw tantrums.