Monday, September 28, 2009

Demolition Man

Meet Butch:

Eww gross. Puke in my mouth. Gotta run away from laughing so hard at his efforts kinda guy. Now I am sounding like a total B. But seriously, all girls know guys like this. It is like "hello! Get a hint!" kind of a guy.
Basically you could tell this guy straight up that you aren't interested and he will still try.

Butch and Rexi have known each other for years. They were neighbors since the 6th grade and now he's back from his mission, so they've kind of grew up together. That was how I met him.
Right from the moment I saw him I knew nothing would ever get me to even consider going on a date with him. He was wearing really baggy clothes, he hadn't shaved, his face seemed far to big for his beady little eyes, it was revolting. (Yeah, I sound like a complete jerk.) He was nice but I could tell he was trying way to hard to impress us girls and it was laughable.
He tried for awhile to get Rexi to like him, but she wouldn't fall for his so called "charms" so he moved on to me.
Now I think there are some things you need to know about my personality. I am extremely blunt. I will tell you how it is. I will make it very clear how I feel about a person within minutes of meeting someone. I sound really harsh and totally judgmental, but I have never been wrong about a person I like to go with my gut feelings.
I remember the first time Butch tried to catch my attention. He kept flexing his muscles and touching me. I remember saying to him "stop touching me" but like all boys he hears "please keep touching me...I like it." I was sitting on a beanbag chair at his apartment and he thought it would be funny to try to bounce me off of it, but he missed and landed on me.
HE LANDED ON ME. Can I just emphasize that he is HUGE. His 400lbs of skin, fat, and muscle landed on my little 130lbs of a body. I screamed in pain, and he just laughed like I was kidding. I went home that night feeling like the whole left side of my rib-cage was broken. It was not a good time, and for some reason he kept trying.

I think for awhile he got the hint and left me alone. Especially after I deleted him on facebook and deleted his number off my phone so every time he texted or called I would be like "umm who is this?". But now at the beginning of this new semester he has somehow gotten into his head that he should try again. Can I just say, nay SCREAM, how I do NOT want him to do this.

I have been ignoring him for so long, why oh why is he begging for my attention again?
grr boys.



Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. It is interesting.

I know guys just like this. Im sorry he is still begging you for attention. Just flip him off or something and don't apologize. It might work out for you.

Lyss said...

bahahaha! He landed on you! Sorry I read that and just started to laugh. How awkward.

Anonymous said...

haha, you deserve to die alone!